Chambord is a delicious addition
to this Homemade Blackberry Jam, but it’s pricey and you
may not have it on hand. Some
other options are ruby port, crème
de cassis, or you can simply leave
it out.
about 2 cups
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Test Kitchen Approved
Mash blackberries with a potato masher or fork in a
saucepan. Add sugar, Chambord, and lemon juice; bring
to a boil over high heat and cook 5 minutes. Lower heat
to a simmer and cook jam until thick, 8–10minutes more.
Off heat, skim foam from top of jam; cool completely.
Store jam in refrigerator.
To keep the jam a pretty jewel-tone color,
skim the foam off the top. We also found
that when you don’t skim the foam, the
blackberry flavor isn’t as pronounced.
Test Kitchen Approved
Nutritional Facts
Nutritional Facts
Per tablespoon
Calories: 41
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 0g 0%
Saturated Fat 0g 0%
Cholesterol 0mg 0%
Sodium 0mg 0%
% Daily Value*
Carbs 11g 3%
Protein 0g
*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.