Celebrate the warm weather with this fresh-tasting Apples & Herbs Pasta Salad. Made with crispy apples and fresh basil and mint, it has just the right amount of creaminess, plus it perfectly compliments grilled or BBQ meat.
8 servings (6 cups)
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Test Kitchen Approved
Cook pasta in a pot of boiling salted water according to package directions. Cool pasta 10 minutes.
Stir together apples, onion, mayonnaise, basil, mint, sugar, sour cream, vinegar, lemon juice, and zest; toss with pasta. Season salad with salt and pepper; chill until ready to serve.
Test Kitchen Approved
Nutritional Facts
Nutritional Facts
Per serving
Calories: 243
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 12g 18%
Saturated Fat 2g 10%
Cholesterol 8mg 2%
Sodium 79mg 3%
% Daily Value*
Carbs 30g 10%
Fiber 2g 8%
Protein 4g
*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Reviews ()
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Average: 5.00
Standardized Average: 5.00
This is the average rating for this recipe, relative to the average rating of all of the recipes on this site. The average rating of all the recipes on this site is 82.17. If we pin the population average to 3 (define 3 as the new 82.17) and adjust this particular recipe's average accordingly, we see that, relative to a population average of 3, this recipe's adjusted standardized average is 5.00. This number is useful in that it accounts for how different people have different interpretations of the rating system.
Median: 5
This is the rating that is in the middle of the ratings distribution. It is generally more indicative of how much you will actually like this recipe than the average because the average is subject to being skewed by outliers.
Mode: 5
This is the most common rating that people have given this recipe.
Standard Deviation: None
This is a measure of how polarizing the recipe is; how much people disagree about it.
0 is the least polarizing; everyone agrees on the rating.
2.5 is the most polarizing.
Recipes with lower standard deviations in the ratings are better for people who don't want surprises. Higher standard deviations are good for adventurous cooks.
There is no standard deviation for this recipe because it has fewer than 2 ratings so far.
The pasta was very delicious thank you... and i really liked the mint flavor