These Are Yummy Ideas To Try Using Your Fondue Pot

Is there anything more comforting than warming up with a pot of molten cheese on a cold winter’s day? When the temperature drops, the Swiss bring out their fondue pots and gather the herd for a meal of melted cheese and bread. Some self-proclaimed cheese lovers may get the shivers at the mere mention of fondue-Zeit (also fondue time). Fondue is a classic meal that first arrived on American shores in the 1950s and enjoyed a meteoric rise to fame in the 1970s, when eating out with friends was considered a hip thing to do.
The cheese fondue craze that began in the 1990s has died down considerably because of the recent pandemic. Some of you may have wondered, “What else can I do with a fondue pot?” Even the biggest cheese lovers can only manage a couple of fondue sessions every season, and it’s hard to justify the expense if you only eat it that often. You’d be surprised at how many uses there are for a fondue pot. Here are some yummy ideas that give you a good reason to bring your fondue pot out.
Meat Fondue
The beef fondue was a staple at many a dinner party in the 1980s, and it’s time that it’s brought back. You can impress your guest by finishing the assembly work before they come. Also, if ‘delicious’ is what you want your guests to exclaim, make your own sauces.
- Four rump steaks or 28 ounces of beef tenderloin (cut into one-inch cubes)
- One liter of vegetable oil
To serve:
- Green salad
- Crusty white bread
- Assemble the meat, bread, and salad. Then, set the fondue burner in the center of the table. Have your sauces ready to go in individual bowls. Make sure the meat is properly seasoned.
- When it’s time to dine, fill your fondue pot halfway with vegetable oil and heat it over medium heat until it’s hot but not smoking. If you don’t have a thermometer, toss in a cube of bread; when it takes approximately 30 seconds to brown, the pot is at the proper temperature (about 375 degrees Fahrenheit).
- Carefully set the fondue burner on the table so it won’t move, then light the flame according to the manufacturer’s directions and place the pan on top.
- Distribute a fondue fork to visitors so they can dip their meat into the piping hot oil. For rare meat, it should take 25 to 30 seconds, medium-rare, 35 to 40 seconds, and well-done, 45 to 60 seconds. After the meat has finished cooking, it can be dipped into the sauces and piled high atop the bread. Raw king prawns are also delicious when cooked in a fondue.
Chocolate Fondue
If you have got a fondue pot and are looking for a delicious chocolate dessert experience, you can make a chocolate fondue. Here is what you need to make chocolate fondue:
For the fondue:
- One cup of heavy cream
- Pinch salt
- Dark chocolate or 12 ounces of milk chocolate (chocolate needs to be roughly chopped)
For dipping:
- Banana pieces, ideally cut into one-inch chunks
- Strawberries
- Apple slices
- Dried apricots
- Candied ginger
- In a small saucepan, bring the cream and a bit of salt to a gentle simmer over medium heat.
- After removing the pan from the heat, add the chocolate and whisk it until it is completely melted and smooth.
- Place the chocolate mixture in a fondue pot over a low flame, or serve as is. Put the chocolate in the center of the table and set out a tray or plates with dip-ables. Dip the fruit and other items into the hot melted chocolate using a fondue fork. Eat quickly. Add a spoonful of heavy cream if the fondue becomes too thick to stir. As a result, it will be able to last a little bit longer, but it will reduce as time passes, so you may have to start a new pot.
There are countless ideas to be creative with your fondue pot. The best thing about fondue pot is that you can make fancy-looking recipes with the bare minimum effort and just a few ingredients. The options can go from sweet to savory, and not to forget the cheesy category.
There is also a long list of dipper ideas such as bread cubes, pretzels, fruits, and steamed-up veggies. There is no limit to the ideas for dippers and fondue recipes, as you can be as creative as you want in this fun-filled party dish.