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Frozen orange juice concentrate is both long-lasting and highly flavorful—it can be a great addition to a multitude of foods to give a strong, sweet orange taste. Here's a few ways to use it.
For mashed potatoes with more potato flavor and no sogginess, use this method for cooking your potatoes. An added benefit: the potatoes stay fluffy, even with less dairy or butter added.
Egg yolks rarely remain perfectly centered in the egg after packaging, shipping and storage. To help the chalazae hold the yolk in the center of the egg for the perfect hard-cooked egg, try this simple trick. Just make sure to plan ahead because you need a full 24 hours before cooking for this tip to work!
When you cut pizza with a pizza cutter, do you lose half the cheese and toppings to your cutter? Here's a simple tip to make it nonstick so your toppings stay put.
It’s difficult to get those tight spaces clean in waffle irons, bread machines and other small kitchen appliances. Here's a simple, inexpensive solution—and it only takes a quick trip to the hardware store!
No need to buy a dough tamper to press pie/tart dough into pans! With this simple tip, you will have perfect, smooth crusts every time.
Pineapple is one of the more difficult fruits to cut, because it's large, has a spiky skin and those prickly "eyes" inside the fruit once you've cut it. Here’s a way to peel pineapple with as little waste as possible and get the added bonus of decorative slices.
Expand the possibilities of your grilling by using a cast-iron griddle as another cooking surface for your grill. You can cook just about anything you would make in your cast-iron pan or griddle indoors and it takes the fun outside.
Here's a simple way to make chocolate leaves. Buying fresh roses every time you make chocolate leaves is costly so try our cost-effective (and reusuable) way to make these decorative leaves that elevate the presentation of your desserts.
Instead of carefully tracing and cutting your parchment to fit into the bottom of your pan, here's a quick way to line torte and springform pans.
Some jars are tough to open. Save your money and don't purchase those rubber jar grips! You can make a DIY version at home with a rubberband.
Rolling dough and pastry to an even, accurate thickness is hard with just a rolling pin. Here's a simple way to create guides to ensure even rolling of your pastry and pie doughs.