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What type of rice is used for paella? Is paella rice the same as Valencia rice?
What does ABV mean? Are ABV and Proof standard measurements?
What's the best way to store nuts and seeds? Should nuts and seeds be stored in the pantry or the freezer? How long can nuts be kept in the refrigerator?
What is the difference between tawny and ruby port? What qualifies as an LVB port or a vintage port?
What is inulin, and which foods contain it?
What does rock shrimp taste like? Are rock shrimp good to eat?
What is 'ndjua paste made of? What does 'nduja taste like?
What is a bay leaf? Where did bay leaf come from, and how is it used?
What is the difference between almond paste and marzipan? Can you subsitute almond paste for marzipan?
What is lemongrass used for? Where can you find lemongrass?
Can black cocoa powder be substituted for unsweetened cocoa powder in recipes?