Stay in touch with Cuisine at Home
Can't get enough of those warehouse store deals? Here's how to make sure at least one bulk item doesn't go to waste.
To get the most fruit out of fresh mango, it helps to know what's going on under the skin. Here's how best to slice and dice it.
With a little planning ahead and just a bit of work, you can thaw and marinate frozen meat — at the same time.
Hate opening a whole package of bacon just to use a couple slices at a time? With this tip, no bacon will go to waste.
Ever get a sudden craving for banana bread, but with no soft, overripe fruit in sight? Try this simple tip!
Instead of trying to make diced avocado end up looking attractive, try this tip for getting it out of the skin intact.
Never know what to do with that leftover half-loaf of garlic bread? Here's how to keep it around for more delicious uses.
Not all tofu is created equal, and it's more versatile than you think. Here are the types you'll find and how to use them.
Fresh ginger freezes well, but so it keeps its impact and to give it the tiniest punch of Asian-inspired flavor, try this storage tip.
Love serving shrimp at parties, but unsure what to do once the bed of ice starts to melt? Here's a delicious solution.
Eggnog is simple to make and can be used in lots of tasty ways, any time of year. Here are a few inspiring ideas.
Ensure flavorful fresh herbs all year long, and don't let any go to waste, with this tip for storing them for quick use.