Stay in touch with Cuisine at Home
Even if the nearest ocean is miles away, it's still possible to find quality fresh fish. Just keep these basic tips in mind when selecting fresh fish.
Don't let all your hard work baking those treats go to waste — store and transport them safely with this quick tip.
Fresh from the pan, a whole chicken can be awkward (if not impossible) to handle. Here's a painless way to transport it.
Especially for meat with fattier skin, like chicken wings, oiling the grill grate is crucial so your food doesn't stick.
The name may suggest they're only good for one thing, but potato ricers make multiple cooking processes simpler.
Some yeast needs to be proofed before using, while other types allow you to skip the step. So what's the difference?
You'd be surprised how many recipes can be made in a slow cooker. Here's one crucial thing to note before getting started.
The soft, buttery texture of ripe avocado can make it difficult to work with. So dice it up while it's still in the skin, instead!
From the equipment, to the oil, to the narrow temperature window, many things go into that perfectly crisp home-fried coating.
Though they come in many varieties, these pans are specifically designed for one thing — to achieve the perfect popover.
Tomatillos are versatile and easy to cook with. A papery husk is all that stands between you and this sweet-tart fruit.
Love using fresh herbs, but worried the leftovers will go to waste? Here's a simple way to give them a satisfying second use!