Poaching Eggs


today I'm going to show you how to poach some eggs we're gonna add some vinegar to the poaching water and what this does is it will help the the proteins in the egg coagulate you're gonna have fewer of those stringy bits floating around in the water no measurement here just a little splash in the pan we don't want this quite simmering we want the bubbles to kind of barely break the surface of the water otherwise it's gonna cook too quickly on the outside before the inside gets cooked properly we've got the vinegar in I'm gonna give it just a little bit of stir get that incorporated in the water so I've got an egg and it's gonna be easier if you crack your egg into a little dish first that way you don't get any shells we're gonna go one at a time plop it in there crack another drop it in there and the last one and you don't want to overcrowd your pan when you're doing this probably max five eggs and in a dish this size you want to kind of give them a little bit of room one thing we want to watch for is that the eggs don't stick to the bottom of the pan now one thing I like to do to help remedy that is just use a heat-safe spatula and just push it kind of here along the bottom of the egg very gently just to release it if it has stuck the eggs are gonna poach probably between three and four minutes I would check them at three I like a runny yolk but the whites fully cooked dance bread I think all righty these eggs are just about done we're gonna check them at the three minute mark with a slotted spoon this is gonna make your job a little bit easier we're just gonna carefully scoop one up all right I think it's a little underdone so I think these are probably gonna go a little bit closer to four minutes so we've hit the four minute mark and hopefully we're gonna be done here I'm gently pressing with my finger and this one seems about done to me I'm just gonna kind of dab it dry on a towel because that way when you put it on your English muffin and add a little hollandaise it's not gonna thin out your sauce next one whites nice and firm yolk is ready that's how I like it and if you like your your yolks to be firm by all means keep these in the water longer the last guy

extra water to the plate as you can see here we have four lovely poached eggs and these are ready to eat so I hope you enjoyed the tip with the vinegar and that this inspires you to make some poached eggs at home thank you


Vinegar, water temperature, and spacing are key for creating wonderfully tender poached eggs.