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Camping can be a fantastic adventure, but let's face it, it's not for everyone. Staying in a remote location may not be that exciting if you don't have enjoyable activities to keep you busy. For many, it's the campfire's warmth, the taste of freshly roasted marshmallows, and the starry sky above that make camping fun. But what's camping without indulging in delicious food? Thankfully, we've assembled the best camping cookbooks of 2024 that are packed with easy-to-make yet mouth-watering camping recipes. Our top choice is The Camp Dutch Oven Cookbook by Robin Donovan, which features top-tier meals that you can enjoy during your camping trips. Let's get started and make your next camping trip a gastronomic delight!


Buying Guide: Camping Cookbooks

Making and eating mouthwatering food while camping requires serious thought and execution. As charming as a campfire rotisserie chicken is, it is nearly not enough to carry an entire camping trip on its own. You need a proper camping cookbook to assist you in making those trips a success. Here’s everything you need to know about them.

Are Camping Cookbooks Even Necessary?

The necessity of camping cookbooks is not very apparent at first glance, and it is easy to understand why. For starters, most people are more or less satisfied with the most basic food on a camping trip and don’t have any desire to try anything more. Plus, they think that making anything even slightly more complex will require a whole host of utensils and equipment, which is simply not true.  Secondly, this is the 21st century with fast, portable internet access on our smartphones. Millions of recipes can be accessed in seconds with even the slowest internet connections, and most dedicated campsites are even starting to get free WiFi.

So, is a paper camping cookbook even needed? The answer is yes. Physical cookbooks are still important, and the reason behind that is the vibe — using an old-school method of learning new recipes fits perfectly at a remote campsite illuminated with nothing but a campfire. Not to mention the fact that all of the necessary information is already sorted and categorized in a cookbook. You might have to hop from website to website on the internet for the same information. 

What Type of Camping Cookbook Do You Want?

Now that you understand the importance and need of buying a paperback camping cookbook, it’s time to go looking for one. The first stop of this journey is determining what type of cookbook you want.  For example, say you like being prepared before the trip to minimize the amount of work while on the campsite. In this situation, you need a cookbook about dehydration and preparing non-perishable meals and snacks. Or, you can look for cookbooks that give a step-by-step guide on how to prepare ingredients in advance. That way, all you have to do on the campsite is mix everything over a flame, and voila, a super delicious meal is ready. 

Alternatively, maybe you want to try fancy camping meals but don’t want to lug your entire kitchen with you. In this case, a book that brings together low-effort, high-reward recipes is the way to go. It will include dishes that only require four of five main ingredients and can be prepared on basic camping gear yet still looks and tastes like a fancy restaurant meal. That said, the success of the recipes in that book does depend on your cooking and preparation skills.  Another possibility here is picking a wildcard. If you want to make your camping trips a bit more exciting and unpredictable, pick a cookbook with recipes and cooking methods that you’ve never tried before and might never have at your home. 

How Many Recipes Should a Camping Cookbook Have?

The answer to this is both important and unimportant at the same time.  Important because you want to have variety in your cooking. If you go camping often and prepare similar food every time, all of those will start merging in your head. In other words, unique recipes will leave a lasting impact and turn every camping trip into something memorable.  Unimportant because quality matters more than quantity. If you have to choose between a camping cookbook with 200 average recipes and a book with 20 fantastic ones, the latter would be the better option. Yes, quality matters that much.  That said, the ideal choice is to find a cookbook that balances both of these sides perfectly. In other words, find cookbooks that offer between 50 and 100 brilliant recipes. Sure, not all of them will drop your jaw to the ground, but the majority of them will. 

Are Recipes a Camping Cookbook's Only Important Aspect?

Short answer, no. This might be true for normal household cookbooks but not for the ones designed to go with you on a camping trip. Here’s what else camping cookbooks can include:

Camping hacks

Camping can be quite a challenge, especially if you don’t have much prior experience. There are so many little things that can go wrong or cause delays in your plans. Having carefully instructed tips, tricks, and hacks in your cookbook will allow you to tackle the camping issue head-on and come out victorious. Even if you’re a camping veteran, you might still find tips in these books that you never crossed your mind before. 

Equipment use

Most camping recipes require some equipment and tools to be successful, and not everyone knows how to use them. For example, Dutch ovens are pretty much the backbone of delicious camping food. There are so many recipes that you’ll never be able to try without using a Dutch oven. So, it’d be nice if a camping cookbook filled with Dutch oven recipes also included information about the oven itself. This info can be basic, like how to use the oven properly. Or, it can go the advanced route with the right strategy of buying the oven, the proper way of cleaning it after use, and ways to store it properly when not in use. 

How Much Should Camping Cookbooks Cost?

The price of a cookbook can shift around based on the number of recipes inside, the type of printing or binding, and other similar factors. That said, you should be able to find exceptional camping cookbooks between the $10 and $15 range. Some cookbooks cost more or less than this range, but they’re generally not worth it. The cheaper ones have lackluster recipes, while the more expensive ones are often just overpriced.

Top Picks

  • Best Overall: The Camp Dutch Oven Cookbook
  • Premium Recipes: The New Camp Cookbook
  • Large Variety: Easy Campfire Cooking
  • Best For Prepping: Complete Dehydrator Camping Cookbook


Best Overall
The Camp Dutch Oven Cookbook

The Camp Dutch Oven Cookbook

Pros Cons
  • Most recipes only use up to five ingredients 
  • Offers thorough guidance on Dutch ovens
  • Includes super useful campsite cooking hacks
  • All recipes necessitate a Dutch oven
Premium Recipes
The New Camp Cookbook

The New Camp Cookbook

Pros Cons
  • Dedicated section for drinks and sweets
  • Organized by the time of day
  • Recipes for full feasts and small bites
  • Many recipes require pre-trip preparation
Large Variety
Easy Campfire Cooking

Easy Campfire Cooking

Pros Cons
  • Filled with tons of delicious recipes
  • The masterful organization makes finding recipes easier 
  • Includes camp cooking tips
  • Some recipes are too complex
Best for Prepping
Complete Dehydrator Camping Cookbook

Complete Dehydrator Camping Cookbook

Pros Cons
  • Teaches about drying 75 food items
  • Helps you make snacks and jerky
  • Shows how to make just-add-water meals
  • Simple, easy-to-follow instructions
  • No recipes for fresh meals


Are the recipes in camping cookbooks organized?
It depends on the individual book. Some organize recipes for the time of day, while others consider the type of recipe. But, most of them are totally unorganized and are just a massive random list.
What is the best place to store my camping cookbook?
You should keep it in a plastic bag, right next to the rest of your camping cooking equipment. This way, you’ll never forget to bring it on a trip.
Are digital camping cookbooks a good option?
If you don’t want to carry around a physical cookbook on your camping trips, then yes. But, you cannot beat the relaxing vibe of a paper book with your smartphone screen. 
Why should I invest in a camping cookbook?
A cookbook designed specifically for camping can be an extremely helpful tool in making your outdoor experience more enjoyable. With a range of recipes that are perfect for cooking over a campfire, it offers practical tips on how to safely store and prepare food while camping. Not only does it offer guidance on making delicious meals, but it also serves as a source of inspiration for elevating your camping cuisine.
What cooking supplies should I bring on my camping trip?
A well-equipped camp kitchen is essential for a successful camping trip. You should start by having a good quality knife for food prep and a cutting board. Also, don't forget to pack basic utensils such as forks, knives, spoons, and cooking utensils like a large spoon and spatula for meal preparation. A can opener and a sturdy pot for cooking over the fire are also necessary. For convenience, pack essentials like salt, pepper, and cooking oil, and consider using paper plates and towels for easy cleanup.