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Monk fruit sweeteners are popular among diet-conscious people and those who suffer from diabetes. While this type of sweetener tastes extremely sweet, they are also free from various substances, including carbohydrates and calories. That way, you can enjoy the taste without gaining any weight. Since these sweeteners are made from monk fruit extract, they are a natural and more healthy alternative to other artificial sweeteners. If you want to try out a monk fruit sweetener for yourself, we suggest purchasing the Durelife Monk Fruit Sweetener.

Buyer’s Guide: The Best Monk Fruit Sweeteners

Monk fruit sweeteners are one of the best alternatives to sugar because they are made from natural ingredients. If you are new to the world of monk fruit sweeteners, we have got you covered. This guide will provide all the information you’ll need to purchase one. 

What Are Monk Fruit Sweeteners?

Monk fruit sweeteners are zero-calorie sweeteners that can be used as an alternative to sugar. Since some people cannot consume sugar, either due to diabetes or other health reasons, they can use these sweeteners to enjoy the sweet flavor without the added carbs and calories. Even individuals who are trying to watch their weight or are moving towards different diets like keto, gluten-free, and other natural diets, can benefit from these. They are made from monk fruit extracts, which is a fruit native to Southern China. The natural ingredients coupled with zero calories and zero net carbs make this a healthier alternative than artificial sweeteners.  An important thing to keep in mind is that monk fruit extract is extremely sweet. If compared with sugar, it is about 150 to 200 times sweet, which means that only a very minimal amount is needed to attain a certain level of sweetness. What most brands do is add other substances like erythritol, which helps balance out the sweet flavor. Usually, a blend of erythritol and monk fruit extract is provided and a 1:1 ratio of monk fruit sweetener to sugar is achieved. This means that you will use the same amount of sweetener as you would for sugar. These sweeteners can be used in cooking and baking as well since they melt just like sugar does.

Who Can Benefit From Monk Fruit Sweeteners?

Monk fruit sweeteners can be consumed by different groups of people. We have listed down a few groups of people who benefit most from them.

Diabetic people

For those with diabetes, sugar is a big no, so switching to alternatives is a necessity. Artificial sweeteners are not a good option because they are not healthy and can cause damage in the long run. Individuals with type 1 and type 2 diabetes can benefit from monk fruit sweeteners.

Diet-conscious people

Individuals following strict diets like keto or all-natural diets can also benefit from monk fruit sweeteners since they do not have any calories or carbs. They allow you to consume as many sweets as you want without adding to your weight. Also, they may not have a direct impact on weight loss, but since you will be consuming fewer calories, you may notice a reduction in your body weight as well. Also, most brands are Kosher and vegan-friendly.


If your child likes to eat a lot of sweets and you are scared that it may lead to rapid weight gain or tooth cavities, you can consider monk fruit sweeteners. Since they do not contain any artificial ingredients, they are completely safe to be consumed by people of all ages. If you are concerned about cavities, make sure you purchase one that is designed to keep your teeth clean and safe.

Top Picks

  • Best Overall: Durelife Monk Fruit Sweetener
  • Great Taste: Betterbody Foods Monk Fruit Sweetener
  • Large Variety: Lakanto Monk Fruit Sweetener
  • Ideal For All Ages: Health Garden Monk Fruit Sweetener
  • Keto-Certified: In The Raw Monk Fruit Sweetener
  • Climate-Pledge Friendly: Microingredients Monk Fruit Sweetener


Best Overall
Durelife Monk Fruit Sweetener

Durelife Monk Fruit Sweetener

Pros Cons
  • Made from natural ingredients
  • Ideal for all kinds of diets
  • 90-day money-back guarantee
  • Packaging may vary between different batches
Great Taste
BetterBody Foods Monk Fruit Sweetener

Betterbody Foods Monk Fruit Sweetener

Pros Cons
  • Replaces sugar
  • Great taste
  • Gluten-free choice
  • Not a lot of customer reviews
Large Variety
Lakanto Monk Fruit Sweetener

Lakanto Monk Fruit Sweetener

Pros Cons
  • Ideal for all sugar-free lifestyles
  • Aids in weight loss
  • Six flavors available
  • High erythritol content compared to monk fruit
Ideal For All Ages
Health Garden Monk Fruit Sweetener

Health Garden Monk Fruit Sweetener

Pros Cons
  • Fast and easy digestion
  • Kosher-friendly and free from artificial additives
  • Infused with nutrients and antioxidants
  • It may have a slight aftertaste
In The Raw Monk Fruit Sweetener

In The Raw Monk Fruit Sweetener

Pros Cons
  • Keto-certified and Kosher friendly
  • Zero net carbs and calories
  • Cost-effective value pack available
  • Individual packs may be a little pricey
Climate-Pledge Friendly

Microingredients Monk Fruit Sweetener

Pros Cons
  • A suitable alternative to white and brown sugar
  • Environmentally-friendly company
  • Scoop included for convenient measurements
  • Value packs or bulk options are not available


What are the dangers of monk fruit sweeteners?
While monk fruit sweeteners may not pose any direct dangers, some people might be allergic to the fruit itself. Signs of an allergic reaction include swelling, wheezing, dizziness, rashes, and vomiting. If you notice any of these symptoms after consuming a monk fruit sweetener, consult a doctor immediately.
Are monk fruit sweeteners hard to digest?
No. Monk fruit sweeteners do not cause any side effects like bloating or abdominal discomfort. In fact, most monk fruit sweeteners are easy to digest because they can be metabolized easily. 
Do monk fruit sweeteners have an aftertaste?
Monk fruit sweeteners taste a bit different than regular sugar, and it may take some time to adjust to the flavor. Some brands of monk fruit sweeteners can leave an aftertaste behind as well.