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Loved by people all around the world, popcorn is a universally enjoyable snack. They come in different textures and flavors, so you have a lot of options to choose from. Although plenty of companies provide pre-packaged popcorn, nothing beats the aroma or the taste of freshly popped kernels. Even to date, many people prefer making their own popcorn at home, but in order to make this happen, you’ll need to purchase a popcorn popper. We put a list of the best popcorn poppers of 2024 together, and it all starts with the top choice on our list, the Presto Popcorn Popper.

Buyer’s Guide: The Best Popcorn Poppers

Before you buy a popcorn popper, you should go through this detailed buying guide to pick a worthwhile product.

What To Consider When Buying a Popcorn Popper?

Here is a list of things to keep in mind when choosing an ideal popcorn popper:


When shopping for a popcorn popper, you want something that will last a long time. Nobody wants to squander their money on a popper that will not endure frequent use. Stainless steel is an excellent choice for a long-lasting popcorn popper. If you're searching for a microwave one, silicone poppers are a good choice!


The size of the machine will determine how much popcorn you can make in a single batch. As previously said, the larger the device, the more popcorn you can pop at once. Some popcorn poppers are just appropriate to be used by a single person but can have little-to-no use for a large family.


Everyone loves eating popcorn, but not everyone is a big fan when it comes to cleaning the equipment. Most modern popcorn makers are easy to clean and come with non-stick properties, making them an ideal gadget to use at a movie night! Besides the non-stick surface, you can also find dishwasher-safe variants that do not require manual labor at all. It is essential to check labels and confirm whether a particular popcorn popper is microwave-safe or not before using it.


The appearance of the popcorn popper is also essential. If it is going to be outside all the time, you want it to blend in with your surroundings. You generally don't want old-looking equipment in your home if it has an outdated appearance. And while appearance is essential, you also want to make sure that it functions well!

What Are the Benefits of Using a Popcorn Popper?

There are multiple perks of using a popcorn popper that will encourage you to buy one.

Better flavor

Have you ever wondered why popcorn at carnivals and festivals taste so much better than what you make at home? Want to know the reason behind it? A popcorn popper! They are designed to enhance the actual flavor of the corn while evenly distributing any layering of flavors. This is not possible in pre-packaged microwavable popcorn because flavors tend to congeal in one place most of the time.

Long-lasting investment

While affordability is an excellent perk of popcorn poppers, they’re usually more reliable than most kitchen utensils and can last for years and even decades! When looking for longevity, opt for a stainless steel popcorn popper since they’re the most durable and usually backed by at least a decade of warranty!


When you make popcorn in any other container, it can stick to the surface. If you make pre-packaged popcorn in a microwave, it might stick to the edges. Fortunately, that’s not the case with your good old popcorn popper. They come with a non-stick surface, which ensures that you get consistent results from the first kernel to last without sticking to the surface. This feature also allows you to clean the surface properly.

Perfect popping

You may notice a few unpopped kernels at the bottom of your pre-packaged popcorn’s bag when using a microwave. This is not the case with popcorn poppers. They come with a stirring mechanism that allows every kernel to touch the heat, ensuring there are no leftover or unpopped kernels.

What Are the Types of Popcorn Poppers?

Microwave popcorn popper

A microwave popcorn maker is compatible with microwaves only. It is designed to look like a glass bowl with a top lid. All you have to do is put your kernels inside it, cover the bowl and turn it on for a couple of minutes. They usually come in a borosilicate glass body, which is temperature safe and does not react with heat. You can find plastic or silicone variants in the market. Still, it is essential to check for BPA-free labels.

Stove top popcorn popper

This popcorn maker is designed to look like a regular pot with a seal to build pressure. Stovetop popcorn popper is an inexpensive option considering it lasts for years to come. It is also pretty easy to clean and does not put you through a complicated timing and power adjustment process. However, you may need to control the heat and pay attention to popcorn, so they don't burn.

Electric popcorn popper

Electric popcorn makers are used when connected to a power supply. They do not require a lot of settings or attention when the popcorn is being made. However, if you put a lot more than the recommended quantity, it might burn or leave kernels unpopped. Electric popcorn makers are quite simple to use and easy to clean.

Hot air popcorn popper

One of the most impressive products out there, these popcorn makers evenly cook popcorn with a fresh aroma and have no harmful side effects. Since they evenly pop all kernels very quickly, hot air popcorn poppers are expensive!

Commercial popcorn popper

If you want to make large batches of popcorn, then a commercial popcorn popper is a durable option. Other than making large batches, they are also very long lasting.

What Material Are Popcorn Poppers Made Of?

The material of a popcorn popper can determine its life and durability. Here are the most common materials:


A top choice for users who want microwaved popcorn; silicone is a non-reactive material that can last for years to come. Known for its strength and durability, a silicone body retains its strength, so you can make popcorn without any issues. It is also resistant to a versatile range of temperatures, making it suitable for microwave use.


Another non-reactive option for microwaving popcorn, glass, is extremely non-reactive and does not leave any harmful side effects on the popcorn. It is also a heat-resistant material that can tolerate a specific amount of heat depending on the thickness of the glass.


From stainless steel to aluminum, there are multiple metal options out there. Metal is known for its incredible strength and durability; hence if you pick a metal popcorn machine, it will last for a long time. Other than this, they are good conductors of heat, which means that popcorn will be cooked evenly.

Top Picks

  • Individual Cups: Presto Popcorn Popper
  • 6 Quarts Pot: Whirley Popcorn Popper
  • Best Silicone: Hotpop Popcorn Popper
  • Best Microwaveable: Korcci Popcorn Popper
  • Best Collapsible Bowl: Lekue Popcorn Popper


Individual Cups
Presto Popcorn Popper

Presto Popcorn Popper

Pros Cons
  • Simple to use and does not retain oil
  • Servings are divided
  • Available in a bundle and come ready-to-put in a microwave
  • Breaks up only after a few sessions
6 Quarts Pot
Whirley Popcorn Popper

Whirley Popcorn Popper

Pros Cons
  • Can make large batches
  • Comes with a stirring mechanism to prevent popcorn from burning
  • Has a warranty for long-lasting use
  • The finish is prone to scratches
Best Silicone
HOTPOP Popcorn Popper

Hotpop Popcorn Popper

Pros Cons
  • Made from durable material and available in a sea of color options
  • Does not react with toxins
  • Suitable to make a bundle of popcorn
  • Easy to store with its space-saving design
  • Can leave a couple kernels at the bottom unpopped
Best Microwaveable
KORCCI Popcorn Popper

Korcci Popcorn Popper

Pros Cons
  • Available in different colors
  • Can help you make popcorn in bulk - enough for the whole family
  • Easy to clean, carry, and boasts a convenient design for storage
  • If you let it cycle through the ‘popcorn setting’ the popcorn will burn - so you’ll have to learn its quirks to get the best out of it
Best Collapsible Bowl
Lekue Popcorn Popper

Lekue Popcorn Popper

Pros Cons
  • Available in three vibrant colors; red, green, and orange
  • Designed to help you make decent-sized batches for kids
  • Easy to clean and dishwasher safe
  • Makes a small amount of burned popcorns with every batch


Should I grease the surface of my popcorn popper?
This isn't necessary. Popcorn poppers usually have non-stick surfaces that do not require any greasing.
How do I clean my popcorn popper?
You can clean an electric popcorn popper using a wet wipe or a cleaning towel. On the flip side, if you have a pot or pressure cooker, you can either hand-wash it or put it in the dishwasher.